In response to the Call of the 15th General Synod of the United Church of Christ in June 1985, and whereas:
A. The UCC has declared itself to be a “Just Peace” denomination.
B. The UCC has called on each church to prayerfully consider what this term means for each individual church.
C. Our adult nurture discussion group has been discussing this issue for the past year.
D. Each individual is encouraged to prayer fully consider what this term may mean for their own lives, faith and interpretation of scripture.
We therefore declare and affirm:
- “Just Peace” is broader than the opposition to war, and means to us the interrelation of friendship, justice and common security from violence.
- We are committed to work for peace and justice in our church, in our families, in our community and in our world, recognizing that conflict is inherent to humanity, but that we are called to work to develop practical and peaceful processes to address our conflicts.
- This call is to be incorporated in our church’s mission, worship service and in each member’s conduct to and with members of the church, our families, our community and our world.
- We are called to be inclusive, open, friendly and affirming, recognizing that God’s grace and creative power is reflected in the diversity among us.
- We are concerned that all people do not have their basic needs met and we strive to help meet them through mission, outreach and discipleship.
- We are called to preserve the integrity of creation and embody the principles of a “Whole Earth Church” through active pursuit of environmentally sound policies and education.
- We are challenged to make certain we remain aware that acting as a “Just Peace” church is more important than declaring ourself one.
- The basis for a “Just Peace” church is scripturally founded.
- God acts in creation for peace and justice. (Exodus 19:4-6)
- God covenants with humanity. (Genesis 17:17)
- Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6-7)
- The Holy Spirit continues to enable God’s peace. (John 14:25-27)
All this we resolve and covenant to do, in our effort to be faithful to God’s call in Jesus Christ to seek the ways of justice and peace as a congregation.